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Legendary kissmania collapse and was rushed to the hospital

I think it is right I begin to remember…


Before KISS Dynasty nobody has ever give a cent about them in in Italy

Apart from a great Italian musician, the unforgettable Renzo Arbore and his mythical TV show “The other Sunday.”

If you talk to 10 Italian KISSmaniacs aged over 38 years, at least 7 will tell you that it is thanks to that TVshow they were stormed by our fantastic 4, it was 1978.

Then came “I was made for lovin’ you”, inside that beautiful envelope called ”Dynasty”, which reached the top ranking in the chart and that was the beginning of KISS Italian celebrity.

Celebrity that unfortunately for us (and for them too!) lasted too little.

In 1979 all the newspapers that dealt in someway with music spoke about them, I believe that many of you remember “Boy music” and Sorrisi a canzoni TV with KISS on the cover.

How many of us have begun to hunt photos and articles starting a kind of cult of the crop? I believe many!

Do you remember the prismatic stickers?

And the forms to be sent to subscribe to the KISS Army?

And the photo with their naked faces that would dissolve after a while?

The KISSmania was a phenomenon, however, truly shocking.

In those years everyone knew KISS.

For at least 3 consecutive carnivals we saw boys and girls with their KISS make-up on.

There was also a KISS tribute during the famous Viareggio show.

But then, already with the release of Unmasked and the famous three dates in Italy that something began to break.

KISS sounded not so good live and critics killed them.

Peter, one of the original members had left and Ace was reaching its maximum “splendor” with his alcohol and drugs tenure and also the show was in some ways disappointing, many of us were expecting more, comparing to what was heard and read.

But this is part of another story that we will see shortly.



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